[PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)



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  • MartinP
    Anfänger im Forum
    • 27.01.2009
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    [PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)

    Der folgende Bericht ist in Englisch, da er auch auf der Seite unseres Kajak-Clubs in Polen veröffentlicht wird.
    Bei Fragen zum Paddeln auf der Weichsel stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung (auch in Deutsch...).
    Mehr Bilder von der Tour gibt es hier: http://www.flickr.com/photos/papemartin/sets/72157630086029362/

    Report Vistual Trip June 2012

    • Marcin from Poland
    • Sevket form Turkey
    • Martin from Germany

    Late afternoon, Wednesday the 6. of June, Marcin picked Sevket up from the airport and after some detours they found the way to my place (I’m living in Warsaw). The day before I got my kayak from the boathouse and during the day I packed all the needed equipment into my car so we could quickly reload to Marcin’s car (in fact his father in law’s car, who was also so kind to drive us to the starting location of the trip).
    Reloading was a bit adventurous, as a 2 day trip requires not much less stuff than a week-long trip and Sevket had also his suitcase with non-kayaking clothing etc. with him. Well, in the end we got everything in and I kissed my wife goodbye.

    Lots of speed-bumps and and traffic before the long weekend (next day was a public holiday in Poland) made the trip to Kazimierz Dolny, our starting location, a lengthy un-exciting thing to endure. Marcin did book a hotel for us, we could be quick on the water the next day without breaking camp. We had a good late night meal in the “Zielona Tawerna” (Green Tavern) to fill up some carbs and thank Marcins father in law for the driving. Also we could enjoy the benefits of late-night shopping, as we were not fully provisioned yet.
    The hotel was located directly behind the dam of the Vistula and be could store the boats till next morning behind the house watched by the hotel guard dog.

    Thursday, 7. June

    Next morning we managed to be up at 6:30, pack, lift the kayaks over the dam and even quence out coffee and tea from the hotels staff (they don’t serve breakfast before 9:00...) and were on the water at 8:30.

    A word on the kayaks: The used two Lettmann Speedliners (Marcin and Sevket) and my Prijon Seayak. The Seayak is no match for the Speedliners, but this was not planned as a race. On the next day Marcin exchanged paddles with me and I could test his wing-paddle for half a day (so nice!).
    So we got paddling and soon saw a double-kayak ahead of us (it is rare to meet any other traffic on the Vistula). During the next two days we meet again and again, as the double was also heading to Warsaw.
    First town to pass was Puławy, about an hour down the river. Last winter we dropped in our boats here to save some time.

    (yes, I had my second breakfast on board)
    The Speedliners were quickly moving ahead of me but they allowed for me to catch up each few hours. The water level of the Vistula was very low and you needed to avoid submerged trees and sandbanks as the current makes it hard to free yourself then. Average speed was about 8-8,5Km per hour (at least for me).
    After Puławy the river gets very wide at places and you have this “Amazons”-feeling don’t knowing which arm to take around the smaller and bigger islands. The sun was starting to burn down on us (and I took on sunscreen lotion too late...) so a lunch break in the shadow of some trees was welcomed.

    The fabulous Kelly Kettle (the aluminium looking thing in the right of the picture) showed its power and provided us with a brew in no time.
    The afternoon gave as a light headwind which died in the early evening. While passing the “Kozienice” power station

    I had a beer on-board:

    Marcin and Sevket were already ahead and making camp on a small island in the river. This was the same place we used during last winter's Vistula trip. Once the tent (Tipi) was up, we all took a dip into the river and went on to prepare dinner.

    Soon we found out that the double-kayak we meet in the morning choose the same island to camp on. Had a short chat and made pancakes for dessert (always have nice pan with you...). We paddled 75Km that day.

    Friday, 8. June

    After a good night sleep we got up at 6:00, broke camp and were on the water around 7:30. I could use Marcins wing-paddle and we spend the next hours finding our way through the maze of sandbanks, island and grounded tree-skeletons.
    First break as on the mouth of the river “Pilica” which on its own is a very nice kayak destination. We went swimming, had some snacks and I my beer.

    (this looks like a paradise for mosquitoes, but I had not one sting on the whole trip).
    Coming closer the town of Góra Kalwaria we saw more and more sand-extraction sites - boots act as vacuum excavators which suck out the sand from the Vistula river-bed, pump it on land and then the sand is used for construction etc. This comes with a lot of noise and diesel fumes.
    I had a short sleep-attack on my boat and was happy to reach our lunch destination just after the town. We had some noodle-soup, which Marcin prepared in his thermos in the morning and coffee to get me going again. We still had some 35Km to go to Warsaw and bad looking clouds were moving in.
    Soon we got thunder and lightning and seeked shelter under some trees on the riverbank to let the worst pass.

    But the rain and air was not cold and we could head on the Warsaw using the bit more of current the downfall gave the river.
    Coming closer to Warsaw we were dry again and could hear the noise from the opening ceremonies of the EURO 2012. It was about 17:00. We had a last group-photo on the riverbank and then I waved Marcin and Sevket good-bye, as they were going further through Warsaw and I had a place in a boathouse more upstream.

    The last river bend before coming into Warsaw city always gives a nice view on the buildings and the symbolic “Palace of Culture and Science”.

    I finished with 150Km in two days under my belt. Hands were raw and the sun baked me a bit. Except from some fishermen on the shores and the other double-kayak we saw, we had the river for ourselves for most of the time.
    Zuletzt geändert von November; 11.06.2012, 19:19.

  • Flummi87
    • 31.07.2014
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    AW: [PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)

    Despite the fact that this report is nearly four years old I believe it is still quite interesting. The Weichsel really looks like a destination to go for me. Do you think one can handle it with a canoe? And what about leaving the car and getting back to the car? Any special advices? Nice pictures by the way.


    • Philipp
      Alter Hase
      • 12.04.2002
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      AW: [PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)

      Bin zwar nicht MartinP, erlaube mir aber dennoch zu antworten.
      Wir waren letztes Jahr im Rahmen einer Wasserwandertour in PL auch ca. 100 km auf der Weichsel (von Einmündung der Dwerenz bis nach Grudziac). Boot: Ally 17 DR, 2 Erw, 2 Kinder.

      Zunächst ging es auf der Weichsel insgesamt gut vorwärts, allerdings bereitete uns der extrem niedrige Wasserstand manchmal Probleme. Im Kanu kann man glücklicherweise schnell aussteigen und treideln.
      Problematisch wurde es ab Bromberg, wenn die Weichsel sich wieder nach Norden wendet. Wir hatten ab dort so starken Gegenwind, daß unser Vorankommen mit dem dafür nötigen Aufwand in keinem Verhältnis mehr stand. Der Wind blies von morgens früh bis zum Abend, so daß wir nicht mal kleinere Zeitfenster mit wenig Wind ausnutzen konnten. Auch dicht unter Land fahren ging kaum, weil der niedrige Wasserstand einen immer dazu zwingt, den ausreichend tiefen Rinnen zu folgen, die im Flußbett mäandrieren. Daher beschlossen wir, in Graudenz aufzuhören.
      Ob der Wind dort immer so bläst, oder ob er der aktuellen Wetterlage (sehr warm und sonnig) geschuldet war, kann ich nicht sagen.
      Von daher würde ich mit einem Kanu die Weichsel wahrscheinlich eher im Mittelauf fahren, wo Winde vom Meer her keine Rolle spielen.

      Das Auto kannst Du bestimmt an einem Kanuklub o.ä. abstellen. Wir trafen in Thorn zwei aktive Mitglieder von faltboot.org, die dort ihr Auto bei einem Ruderklub hatten stehen lassen. Wir hatten uns übrigens (man hat ja so seine Vorurteile...) in Polen stets sicher und immer und überall ausnahmslos korrekt behandelt gefühlt!

      Gruß und viel Spaß auf dem Fluß, Philipp

      "Oft vereint sind im Gemüte Dämlichkeit und Herzensgüte." - W. Busch


      • Flummi87
        • 31.07.2014
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        AW: [PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)

        Danke für die Infos.
        Für mich ergibt sich daraus, dass für eine Kanadiertour lieber doch ein anderer Fluss gewählt werden sollte.
        Übrigens habt ihr das gleiche Boot wie ich - interessante Namenswahl, habe ich so auch noch nicht gesehen.


        • Pfad-Finder

          Liebt das Forum
          • 18.04.2008
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          AW: [PL] Kajaktour auf der Weichsel (Englisch)

          Die Weichsel ist "launisch", um es freundlich auszudrücken. Ein Fährüberfahrt ca. 2010 bei Marienwerder (Kwidzyn) ist an Niedrigwasser gescheitert, eine andere 2011 bei Mewe (Gniew) an Hochwasser. Gleiche Jahreszeit übrigens - April/Mai.

          Nachtrag: Ich sehe gerade, dass Du auch aus Berlin bist. Guck Dir mal Netze und Warthe an. Das ist gewissermaßen noch "VBB-Tarifzone P".
          Zuletzt geändert von Pfad-Finder; 28.04.2016, 21:43.
          Schutzgemeinschaft Grüne Schrankwand - "Wir nehmen nur das Nötigste mit"

