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    AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

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    • Jakob
      • 22.05.2003
      • 345

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      AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

      eine tolle parodie auf "wir-machen-eine-expedition-zum-pol-und-retten-dabei-die-welt" hab ich gerde bei youtube gefunden:

      (INFO: Bitte kein Bildmaterial einfügen, das die Rechte Dritter verletzt. d.h. i.d.R. keine Musikvideos, TV-Serien etc. )

      der Jakob
      bike-nord.de ...Reisen in die Arktis, nach Island, Skandinavien und den Oman


      • Umingmaq
        • 08.01.2006
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        AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

        Zitat von Sarekmaniac Beitrag anzeigen
        Schwere Zwischenfälle in Grönland, Spitzbergen oder an den Polen, gar mit tödlichem Ausgang, sind mir spontan nicht präsent.
        Gibt es aber. Die schweren Fälle bleiben im Gedachtnis:

        Allerdings fände ich es bedenklich, wenn der Begriff "Expedition" mit Lebensgefahr erkauft werden müsste.
        grönl. für Moschusochse


        • Jakob
          • 22.05.2003
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          AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

          Zitat von Umingmaq Beitrag anzeigen
          Gibt es aber. Die schweren Fälle bleiben im Gedachtnis:

          Allerdings fände ich es bedenklich, wenn der Begriff "Expedition" mit Lebensgefahr erkauft werden müsste.
          es gibt auch eine VERSCHWÖRUNGSTHEORIE zu dem Fall:
          spiegel online

          der Jakob
          bike-nord.de ...Reisen in die Arktis, nach Island, Skandinavien und den Oman


          • xe3tec
            • 24.11.2008
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            AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

            gibts atm noch irgendwelche expeditionsblogs in den kalten regionen?

            ich verfolg die so gern mit
            "You still hope that this war will end with your honor intact? Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."


            • OttoStover
              • 18.10.2008
              • 1076
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              AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

              In the middle of january there was a race against the south pole. The British had a loss to revenge (Amundsen won over Ross in 1911) and 5 british teams lined up against one norwegian. One of the teams even had an olympic champion, and all were otherwise staffed with the most experienced people they had. The norwegian team consisted of two former military employees.

              GUESS WHO WON

              If you want to look at race blogs I think several of the british teams have that. Click on their names in the page. Sorry I did not link you to a british newspaper so you could read the good news in english.
              Ich lese und spreche Deutsch ganz OK, aber schreiben wird immer Misverständnisse.
              Man skal ikke i alle gjestebud fare, og ikke til alle skjettord svare.


              • Sarekmaniac

                Liebt das Forum
                • 19.11.2008
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                AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                Zitat von OttoStover Beitrag anzeigen
                GUESS WHO WON
                No idea...

                Being a tough guy is max. 15%. Toughness is just one skill required, and not the most complex one. I've you're only tough and nothing else, you'll end up walking the road.
                Eshche odin zhitel' Ekaterinburga zabralsja na stolb, chtoby dokazat' odnoklassnice svoju bespoleznost'.


                • OttoStover
                  • 18.10.2008
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                  AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                  Maybe it would help if the link I had in mind had come up. Its here.

                  Sorry about it Sarekmaniac, did not mean to make you feel inferiour just because you did not understand.
                  Ich lese und spreche Deutsch ganz OK, aber schreiben wird immer Misverständnisse.
                  Man skal ikke i alle gjestebud fare, og ikke til alle skjettord svare.


                  • Sarekmaniac

                    Liebt das Forum
                    • 19.11.2008
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                    AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                    Zitat von OttoStover Beitrag anzeigen
                    Maybe it would help if the link I had in mind had come up. Its here.

                    Sorry about it Sarekmaniac, did not mean to make you feel inferiour just because you did not understand.
                    I understood perfectly well. If a Norwegian and a Brit head for the Pole, I don't need a link to know who will win, just you did not catch my subtle irony.

                    But the picture is nice.

                    And the British guy last year was really great fun. He set several NPL winter records:

                    1. First (and last) one ever to try to enter Hardanggervidda in winter via Eidfjord/Simadalen (with a pulk). The mountain rescue caught him in time and showed hin the proper way.

                    2. First one walking NPL in winter on the roads (about 70% of the distance)

                    3. First one to carry a Helsport Svalbard all the time but never to use it (he slept indoors every single night)

                    4. First one to carry a multifuel stove all the time and never to use it (he ate indoors every single night, and mostly food prepared by others)

                    5. First one to use wax skis on the trip but never to wax them (he had them waxed all the time - by friendly skiers, or outdoor shops along the road) Most of the time he carried the skies on his back (see pt. 2).

                    6. First one to go NPL and never to have fun (Or I missed it reading the diary).

                    I guess there is no English translation for "friluftsliv".

                    Zuletzt geändert von ; 17.02.2009, 17:34.
                    Eshche odin zhitel' Ekaterinburga zabralsja na stolb, chtoby dokazat' odnoklassnice svoju bespoleznost'.


                    • OttoStover
                      • 18.10.2008
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                      AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                      Zitat von Sarekmaniac Beitrag anzeigen
                      I understood perfectly well. If a Norwegian and a Brit head for the Pole, I don't need a link to know who will win, just you did not catch my subtle irony.
                      Or maybe it is the opposite way, you did not catch mine

                      If its true what you say about the englishman (sorry did not read more than a few pages and look at some pictures) then I'm not surprised that the two norwegians beat all the british teams. But let us not just complain about the english, other countries are as bad also.

                      A "jogging-friend" of my wife went with her boyfriend to a hut near by two years ago. In the entrance they found a dead man (italian) and inside they found his companion. He just sat in the hut shivering and wrapped up in blankets. But even after several hours he had not made up fire in the oven. They had been warned but had ignored the warning, and one had died in the storm. Equipment was very good, they just did not know how to use it properly. Small notice in the local newspaper about the incident.
                      Ich lese und spreche Deutsch ganz OK, aber schreiben wird immer Misverständnisse.
                      Man skal ikke i alle gjestebud fare, og ikke til alle skjettord svare.


                      • Sarekmaniac

                        Liebt das Forum
                        • 19.11.2008
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                        AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                        Zitat von OttoStover Beitrag anzeigen
                        Or maybe it is the opposite way, you did not catch mine
                        OT: You Norwegians are so subtle... Talking to foreigners in the Mountains most Norwegians have a very nice way (the Swedish actually as well) They`ll say, "I normally prefer to stay inside the cabin with a weather similar to this". Or "I normally equip like this if I plan a trip like that". They'd never say (the German way) "Do this, do that, your gear is rubbish, don't go" etc. Some foreigners just don't understand the message.

                        But let us not just complain about the english, other countries are as bad also.
                        Right. I met al lot of English people doing well planned an safe trips like anybody else. There is a Scotsman, James Baxter, going NPL currently. He has a marvellous page:


                        His diary is very nice to read. But he decided for this trip not out of the blue. He has been skiing and climbing in Scandinavia for many years and is currently writing a series of guide books on all 2000ers in Norway and Sweden (he has climbed them all, amazing, isn't it). So he knows what he's doing, and I'm sure and keep my fingers crossed that he will reach his goal: Skiing to North Cape and paddling back during the summer. Impressive.
                        Zuletzt geändert von ; 17.02.2009, 15:20.
                        Eshche odin zhitel' Ekaterinburga zabralsja na stolb, chtoby dokazat' odnoklassnice svoju bespoleznost'.


                        • Susanne
                          • 22.02.2002
                          • 1627
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                          AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                          Zitat von Sarekmaniac Beitrag anzeigen
                          Right. I met al lot of English people doing well planned an safe trips like anybody else. There is a Scotsman, James Baxter, going NPL currently. He has a marvellous page:
                          OT: Danke für den Link. Solche NPL-Geschichten verfolge ich ja zu gerne!
                          havet - Ölmalerei
                          Blomstene på fjellet er formet som klokker og stjerner. Sagnet sier at det er fordi vidda ligger så nær himmelen. Pedder W. Cappelen


                          • across
                            • 14.01.2009
                            • 332
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                            AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                            Hier gibts alle NPL Stories: http://home.online.no/~odvinje/turer/npl/andre.html

                            Im weiteren bin ich gespannt, wie es dieser Expedtion so ergehen wird:


                            Gute Unterhaltung!
                            Meine Erfahrungen, Tipps, Tricks, Tourenvorschläge für Nordskandinavien und nicht zu letzt Rezeptideen gibt es zwischen zwei Buchdeckeln:
                            "Trekking-Abenteuer in Nordskandinavien"


                            • Susanne
                              • 22.02.2002
                              • 1627
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                              AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                              Danke für die Links! Da gibt es ja genug Lesestoff.
                              havet - Ölmalerei
                              Blomstene på fjellet er formet som klokker og stjerner. Sagnet sier at det er fordi vidda ligger så nær himmelen. Pedder W. Cappelen


                              • Roene
                                • 24.05.2004
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                                AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                Seit Samstag unterwegs: Catlin Arctic Survey

                                Ich bin vor allem auf die Fotos von Martin Hartley gespannt.

                                Grüße, Roene.
                                Nøisomhed Gård - Ökologische Landwirtschaft auf den Vesterålen


                                • OttoStover
                                  • 18.10.2008
                                  • 1076
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                                  AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                  NRK has made four programs about the race for the south pole. They showed the first programme sunday 15th march, and the rest of the programs are to follow each sunday.

                                  The first program contained just the preparations of the norwegian team before departure, and has thus limited interest for most germans. But those with knowledge of norwegian may find this worth looking at.

                                  The promo-site for the race is here.
                                  Ich lese und spreche Deutsch ganz OK, aber schreiben wird immer Misverständnisse.
                                  Man skal ikke i alle gjestebud fare, og ikke til alle skjettord svare.


                                  • BlaesFevrier
                                    • 11.05.2007
                                    • 557

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                                    AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                    Zitat von Roene Beitrag anzeigen
                                    Seit Samstag unterwegs: Catlin Arctic Survey

                                    Ich bin vor allem auf die Fotos von Martin Hartley gespannt.

                                    Grüße, Roene.
                                    Hartley gehts wohl gerade nicht so gut: Spiegel Online


                                    • elaso
                                      • 02.05.2007
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                                      AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                      Erst 24,45 km in 16 Tagen zurückgelegt, also 1,53 km/Tag!
                                      Bis zum Nordpol sind es noch 930,07 km. Bei dem jetzigen Tempo macht das also mehr als 600 Tage oder 1 3/4 Jahre!!

                                      Wie wollen die das

                                      a) innerhalb von 85 Tagen,
                                      b) überhaupt


                                      1er ist ja scheinbar auch schon ausgefallen.


                                      • xe3tec
                                        • 24.11.2008
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                                        AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                        1,53km / tag??

                                        haben die da grad so extremes wetter oder warum kommen die nicht vorwärts?
                                        "You still hope that this war will end with your honor intact? Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer."


                                        • Fjaellraev
                                          Liebt das Forum
                                          • 21.12.2003
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                                          AW: Aktuelle Polarexpeditionen

                                          ich habe die Seite jetzt nur kurz überflogen, einerseits sind die Verhältnisse wohl alles andere als ideal und dann driftet das Eis wohl gerade kräftig südwärts. Was einem auf dem Weg vom Pol hilft, ist in der Gegenrichtung halt hinderlich...
                                          Man darf die bis jetzt gelaufene Distanz also nicht einfach ins Verhältnis zur Gesamtstrecke setzen um den gesamten Zeitbedarf abzuschätzen.
                                          Weiter im Norden werden die Verhältnisse wohl eher besser (Weniger offenes Wasser und auch weniger Eisdrift).

                                          Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter,
                                          nur unpassende Kleidung.

