[TJ] Tadschikistan Pamir Durchquerung 2024



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  • thedutch
    • 20.11.2018
    • 113
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    • Meine Reisen

    Day 26

    We stayed in Vanj and didn’t do very much. Bit of laundry, changed some dollars at the local bank and got invited into the directors office.
    Photos of the president are everywhere in Tajikistan and no matter where we went it seemed he was always looking down at us. It is completely impossible to miss him.
    We had lunch at a local kebab restaurant then did a bit of internet and at the end of the day we had a meal in the garden of some local restaurant.​

    Vanj is doing it’s best to enter the world wide tourist market

    The main street

    He is everywhere

    Did he play in a James Bond movie as the bad guy?

    No shortage on sweets in Tajikistan


    • thedutch
      • 20.11.2018
      • 113
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      Day 27

      After a early morning garden breakfast in Vanj we left.. First to the police station to get registered… Funny because the police didn’t understand a thing of our visas.
      It took a long time before we could finally leave. Then a two hour drive to Stargh in an ld jeep. In Stargh we had to register once again but this time with the national park guard. 30US dollars later we left.. Had lunch at a local homestay before starting the hike… Way to much food but delicious.
      Left at 14:00 and started a serious climb up to 3000 meters where we camped for the night.. We saw bear prints and droppings…brrrrrrr​

      Invited in the local homestay for lunch

      The start of the next stretch

      A bit of bush whacking before we found the trail

      Amazing view

      Don’t be afraid just cross

      Our camping spot for the night. The shepherds have already left the mountains as the summer is over


      • berniehh
        Alter Hase
        • 31.01.2011
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        Zitat von thedutch Beitrag anzeigen
        Hi Bernd, es ist wohl in etwa so wie es Robtrek beschreibt. Theoretisch müsste es zwar auch möglich sein ohne Guide ein Permit zu bekommen aber alles ist so was von undurchsichtig das es gar nicht klar ist an wem mann sich überhaupt wenden soll um es zu bekommen. Dazu kommt das die Behörden gar nicht gewollt sind an Individualtrekker Permits aus zu stellen. So nach dem Motto wenn was passiert bin ich Schuld und verliere mein Job.
        Ja das klingt alles sehr kompliziert und undurchsichtig. Da kann man eigentlich nur noch versuchen auszuloten ob es überhaupt Sinn macht das Permit zu beantragen oder gleich ohne Permit geht.
        Daher würde ich gerne den Rat von Robtrek befolgen und Deinen Guide fragen, vielleicht kann er mir ja genauere Auskunft darüber erteilen. Falls Du seine e-mail Adresse hast und Du sie mir per PN schicken würdest, wäre schön.

        Das Jahr 2025 ist bei mir eh schon verplant, aber für 2026 wäre Tadschikistan eine wirklich coole Option für mich, da die Gegend so spektakulär aussieht und ich noch nie dort war.


        • thedutch
          • 20.11.2018
          • 113
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          Day 28

          Nice start because it wasn’t cold. It wasn’t going to be an easy day because it was a steep going up all day. Claire didn’t feel very good so we chose one of the last „proper“ campsites before the pass and it’s glaciers and moraines. We spent a lovely afternoon relaxing and enjoying the views.
          Camp was at roughly 3900 meters.​

          Just a very nice view looking backward

          Our camping spot

          A view in the direction we will be heading tomorrow

          Room with a view

          What a great place and great western to hang out for the rest of the day


          • thedutch
            • 20.11.2018
            • 113
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            Day 29

            We started the day with a short kind of gentle going up but that didn’t take long. Next was the scramble up the moraine and after that came the glacier itself. A short rest before the last steep bit and then we tackled the pass. Views were great in both directions. The way we were heading down was a hugh uglacier bowl. We strapped on our crampons and of we went. It was a pretty long glacier walk with a lot of crevasses that we had to jump over. Finding our way through this maze of crevasses was not always easy and some jumps could have gone wrong.
            At the end of the glacier we descended into a valley where we set up camp at 3900 meters. Promised to be another cold night.​

            The start was still easy and the going up gentle

            ​Checking out the glacier. Going up left, right or the mid section or maybe the moraine

            ​In the end one of us took the left side glacier route and rest of the team the lefy side of the moraine

            What a view

            ​Hitting the glacier

            ​Finally on the glacier

            ​The last steps before reaching the Starghi pass

            ​The view ahead of us from the top of the pass

            ​Lunch break onto top of the pass with super weather

            ​The first serious crevasse on our way down

            ​The start of the decent

            ​Using a rope on the steep part

            ​Made it down the steep bit

            ​Checking out hidden crevasses

            ​What a place for a quick break

            ​Looking back

            ​Finally finished the glacier. The glacier in view coming down from a side valley


            ​What a view

            ​Lost in time

            ​Camping spot after a long day. Not the most comfortable but at least plain


            • StefanBoe
              • 14.12.2020
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              Really great!!🤩🤩🤩

              What was the height of the pass? Were there difficulties because of thin air?


              • thedutch
                • 20.11.2018
                • 113
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                • Meine Reisen

                Zitat von StefanBoe Beitrag anzeigen
                Really great!!🤩🤩🤩

                What was the height of the pass? Were there difficulties because of thin air?
                Hi Stefan, height of Starghi pass 4473 meter. We didn’t have any problems with thin air. We were very acclamatized as our tour has been going on for a long time.


                • thedutch
                  • 20.11.2018
                  • 113
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                  Day 30

                  I had a bit of a rough night because of stomach cramps and diarrhea.
                  Felt bit better in the morning, I left coffee and breakfast out.
                  It would be a rough hiking day. As soon as we left it started snowing lightly.
                  Almost like someone wanted to teach us that it is not always fun in the mountains.
                  On top of that we had to cross long and steep boulder fields that needed full concentration.
                  The last bit of the day gave us the full bite. Crossing the riverbank for a long time. Sometimes the scree/mudslides would reach directly into the river and all we could do was wade through the river itself. Doing this with my regular river crossing sandals was no option so I just jumped in with hiking boots.
                  How nice to have wet boots…..
                  At the end of the day we were happy to find a decent camping spot.
                  A campfire lightened our spirits and dried our wet shoes.

                  A view of the valley towards our campsite

                  Happy or waving for help😮

                  Boulder fields again and again

                  View ahead

                  No trail and steep slopes. More than once someone slipped

                  Ice bridge

                  No need to cross as we were to stay on the same side

                  Putting our shoes back on after wading through the river. Steep and slippery slopes and a lot of rock fall.. Not the best part of the trip.

                  The valley finally opens up and we search for a campsite

                  Drying our boots


                  • thedutch
                    • 20.11.2018
                    • 113
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                    • Meine Reisen

                    Day 31

                    What a day it would be. It started with the river crossing of the Sagdar glacier.
                    Although it was early morning the current was still very strong and we all got almost washed away. Not really the thing you want early in the morning.
                    After the crossing we walked through a lush plateau with very different views of the Pamir valleys. No human signs so it was nature pure. We saw lots of bear droppings and turned around stones by the bears (probably looking for food, maybe insects?) but no bears in sight.
                    The last bit of the day was a high up climb to avoid ravines and mudslides that ran down the slopes. Some very scary stretches that need to be crossed. There were parts that allowed no mistakes or bad luck. It could have meant death. All of us fell or slipped at some point but luckily we all made it.
                    In the end we all reached our river camp safely.. By the way the first bit of serious rain since we started the hike.​ As we stood next to our campfire our guide Nasrullo gave us the first hint that he did not want to continue and do the last stretch of the hike. It continued to rain and when we woke the next morning all the mountains were covered in snow.

                    Putting our shoes back on after crossing this river first thing in the morning

                    Doesn’t look easy.. The question that pops up is where to cross. And you have to cross because there is no way back

                    Looking up the Sagadar side valley

                    Looking back from where we came yesterday

                    If we would have crossed the snow bridge we would have had to cross this strech..Basically this was one of the problems in the valley all the time. Dangerous crossing that we had to do as there was no way back

                    But there were also the joy of landscape this beautiful

                    Wide meadows with lots of bear droppings but no 🐻 to be seen

                    Looking up a side valley that eventually leads up to Shirgovad pass

                    Just beautiful…

                    Over and over again we had to cross slopes like this

                    Views like this is why we do it

                    That must have been a big boy

                    Until this point we thought it was hard… But crossing slopes like this was the hard part and did not allow any mistakes

                    Where to cross ?

                    We finally made it after a long day with lots of bruises a d scratches.
                    Tomorrow we have to cross the biggest river so far

